by admin_performance | Oct 16, 2023 | Publishing
Many people will have dreams of being a published author. Whether that is to have their art out on public display or to prove something to themselves. However, some people want to publish a book because they know how profitable it can be. We’ve all heard of the...
by admin_performance | Oct 9, 2023 | Publishing
For first-time writers, publishing a book can seem like a daunting experience. If you are not familiar with the publishing industry, the process can seem overwhelming, scary, and even confusing. If you’re wondering what happened when a book gets published, look no...
by admin_performance | Sep 18, 2023 | Publishing
Books have been made for thousands of years, and over millennia they have definitely changed. There are now hundreds of different genres of books that you can enjoy and you can find so many different stories to suit your needs. But because there are so many different...
by admin_performance | Sep 11, 2023 | Publishing
Self-publishing has become a lot more popular among writers. It gives them autonomy over their own work and helps them to feel more in control. Self-publishing can be expensive, but as long as you do your research, it shouldn’t push you too far out of your budget. ...
by admin_performance | Sep 4, 2023 | Publishing
The publishing process can be scary, especially if you are a first-time writer. With so many options to choose from, you may be wondering which one is the best to go for, especially if you want to be careful with your cash. In this guide, we will look at how much it...
by admin_performance | Aug 28, 2023 | Publishing
For lots of authors, getting their book published is what they have been working towards their whole life. It is not an easy task, and after publication, lots of authors find it difficult to measure the success of their book. Some authors will measure the success of...