Amazon has become the go-to place for shopping online. If you want to sell something, Amazon is where you should start. The eCommerce giant offers a wide range of services to help sellers succeed. One of these services is Amazon Advertising.

This article explains three important keywords match types that you should consider when using Amazon Advertising.

Amazon Advertising allows businesses to advertise their products or services through In return, they pay Amazon to display advertisements on the site.

Below, we’ll be diving deeper into the world of Amazon advertising and what main 3 match types are used. 

What Are The Three Keyword Match Types?

There are three key keyword match types that you should take into consideration when choosing which type of ad to run. These include:

Broad Match – Broad matches look for terms that are similar to the exact phrase being searched for. For example, if someone searches for “car insurance”, broad matches would show car insurance companies.

Phrase Match – Phrase matches look for phrases that contain words from the exact phrase being searched. For example, if a user searches for “insurance quote”, phrase matches would show car insurance quotes.

Exact Match – Exact matches look for exact phrases in the text. For example, if an advertiser wants to show up for a term like “car insurance, they can only use exact matches.

These match types are very powerful because they allow advertisers to target specific groups of people based on what they are searching for.

They also allow advertisers to reach more customers by showing up above organic listings. However, there are some limitations to this service. First, it costs money to have your ads shown on Amazon. 

Second, it takes time for your ads to be approved. Third, it doesn’t always work as well as you’d hoped.

How Would You Use Them?

Amazon offers three different types of keyword match types: exact match, phrase match, and broad match. Each of those match types has pros and cons.

An exact match is the most specific of the three types. You want to use it for products that contain particular words. If you sell a book about how to cook French food, you don’t want to advertise the word “French.” Instead, you want to target people searching specifically for recipes for French food.

Phrase match is the next level down. This is where you can start getting into some of the less specific searches. A phrase match allows you to reach a wider audience because it includes many different variations of the same word.

For example, if you sell books about cooking French food, you could target phrases like “recipes for French food,” “how to make French food,” and even “cooking French food.”

The third option is a broad match. This is the default setting for most campaigns. It allows you to reach a much bigger audience. However, you may find that your ads aren’t showing up for certain keywords. In fact, you may find that you’re paying too much money for impressions.

Broad Match

The broad match is the most inclusive of all Amazon keyword match options. It includes every variation of your keyword, including misspelled words, plurals, acronyms, and abbreviations. 

This makes it ideal for reaching a wider audience, but it can also lead to lower conversion rates.

The 3 Keyword Match Types Of Amazon Advertising

Phrase Match

The phrase match type is one of the most popular keywords used by advertisers. It allows you to target phrases rather than single words.

A phrase match type works best when you are targeting long tail keywords because it helps you cover a wider variety of queries. You can use it to expand your keyword list and improve your ad performance.

You can also use a phrase match type to target longer phrases. Say you sell a product called “watch bands.” Your customers could search for “watch band” or “watch strap.” Your ad would still appear even though those aren’t exact matches for the keyword “watch.”

To make sure your ad appears for relevant searches, add synonyms to your keyword list. For example, if your keyword is “watch bands,” you can add synonyms like “band,” “strap,” “bracelet,” and “jewelry.”

Exact Match

The exact match type is one of the three Amazon keyword-matching options. This option allows advertisers to target specific keywords within a phrase.

When someone uses a keyword, such as “watch,” Amazon displays ads based on what they are looking for. In this case, the ad will display if someone searches for “watch” or “watches.”

Amazon does not allow advertisers to bid on multiple keywords within a single campaign. However, there are ways around this restriction. You can place your bids separately for each keyword or group together related keywords into a single campaign.

For example, let’s say you want to advertise a new watch. You could set up a separate campaign for “watch” and another for “wristwatch.” Then, you could bid $1 per click on both campaigns. Or, you could put all of your keywords into one campaign and bid $2 per click. 

Are There Any Other Types We Should Know About?

Complementary – It will show your advertisement to shoppers whose searches include items that complement your products. For example, if your store sells women’s clothes, it might show your advertisements to specific shoppers looking for accessories such as handbags.

Final Thoughts

Keywords are an important part of online marketing because they help determine which websites get more traffic from Google and other search engines. They also help you decide how much to spend on your Amazon PPC account.

You should always test different combinations of keywords before deciding on a final strategy. The best way to do this is to create a number of campaigns with different keyword lists and then monitor their performance over time.

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